• Question: have you tried inventing anything to help us with global warming and preventing and stopping the dangers they have and will cause?

    Asked by jessikah to Hermine, Katy, Laura, Nathalie, Paula on 14 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Paula Salgado

      Paula Salgado answered on 13 Jun 2010:

      Hi Jessica

      As me, you seemed to be concerned about global warming and climate change and you are right to be so. It is one of the biggest challenges mankind has ever faced and we all need to start changing our habits and the way we go about using (and abusing) the planet’s resources.

      The kind of research I do doesn’t have direct applications in either preventing or stopping global warming. It is more focused in helping us understand how some diseases happen and therefore help to develop more efficient and specific drugs. So, the answer to your question is no, I haven’t…

      That doesn’t mean I don’t try to play my part in our fight against climate change. I try to have an idea of my personal contribution to global warming – that is my ” carbon footprint” – and try to reduce it when I can. This means simple things from using energy efficient light bulbs, recycling as much as I can, reduce how much I use my car, as well as trying to make others aware of all these little things they can do.

      When it comes to climate change, if we are going to avoid the “worst case scenario”, it’s not only up to scientists to invent ways to stop it – it’s up to all of us to change the way we live to make it more efficient and less wasteful.

    • Photo: Hermine Schnetler

      Hermine Schnetler answered on 13 Jun 2010:

      I have not invented anything as yet to prevent global warming. But then on the other side I am not so sure about the so called “global warming”. I do not think that we have enough evidence, purely due to the fact that we have monitored our environment for a tiny fraction of time compared to the age of our planet.

      Even if I do not believe in global warming, I do support the idea that we should look after our planet and resources. I am coming from a country where we value nature and natural resources a lot. For example I will never run the tap while brushing my teeth!

      But now that you mention it why don’t you come up with an idea and we can together see if we can invent something together?

    • Photo: Katy Mee

      Katy Mee answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      At the British Geological Survey (where I work) there is lot of ongoing research into CCS or ‘Carbon-Capture and Storage’. Oil and gas form in carbon-rich rocks which are generally very ‘porous’ i.e. they have lots of holes and gaps in like a sponge where the oil and gas can collect in reservoirs. When we extract the oil and gas, we’re left with these large expanses of highly porous rock, usually sandstone. The idea with CCS is that when carbon dioxide is produced by burning fossil fuels in power stations, instead of releasing that gas into the atmosphere where it acts as a greenhouse gas, the CO2 is captured at the power station and pumped through a series of pipes back into these depleted oil and gas fields, often under the sea bed. The UK has a lot of depleted oil and gas fields under the North Sea so there are plenty of places where this could be done. And you’re probably thinking, so how come the oil and gas don’t just leak out of these rocks? Well, for rock to be a succesful ‘reservoir’ it must be overlain by another layer of impervious rock, also known as a ‘cap rock’. That’s rock that water and gas cannot flow through. Clay, salt and mudstone are all good cap rocks as they are impervious and are ductile, so even if the rocks fractured for some reason (maybe an earthquake), they are self-sealing.

      There are actually lots of new technologies out there for combatting climate change. Perhaps one of the wackiest is NASA’s ‘cloud maker’. Clouds are aerosols which, if they are present in a high enough quantity’ can affect climate because they affect the amount of solar radiation either entering of leaving Earth. These ‘cloud makers’ can actually create aerosols which act like clouds…..have a look on this link:

    • Photo: Nathalie Pettorelli

      Nathalie Pettorelli answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      Hi Jessikah,

      I didn’t invent something, but I work on demonstrating that a tool we currently have could be useful when it comes to climate change – namely satellites and the pictures they take each day. The idea is to show that some of the info registered by satellites could help us assess how changes in climate could affect animals and ecosystems – which could help designing some kind of warning system
      Have a great day

    • Photo: Laura Dixon

      Laura Dixon answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I’ve not – definitely out of my area of knowledge! 🙂 Other scientists where I work have tried things like reducing methane emission from cows to reduce the effects of global warming. When cows digest plant matter, they ferment the plants in their stomaches, which produces methane, which then comes out of the cows as burps and farts! (naughty cows 😉 ) Because we use millions of cows for milk and meat, that’s a lot of gas! They’ve not yet finished their research yet so I’m not sure if it’s goign to work. We could always reduce our meat and milk consumption, reduing the number of cows used as an alternatve…
