• Question: how much money do you make in a year

    Asked by homer160 to Paula, Katy, Hermine, Laura, Nathalie on 13 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by darius, donpareis, sapthika.
    • Photo: Paula Salgado

      Paula Salgado answered on 13 Jun 2010:

      Hmm, interesting that was one of your first questions! 😉

      I don’t make as much money as someone working in a big company or bank in the City. Also, because I work in a University, I probably make a little bit less than I would if I worked in a private pharmaceutical company. But I made a conscious option to work in research, knowing I was unlikely to became very rich!

      I do enjoy what I do and the freedom to discuss my research with other scientists, as well as participating in events like this that working in academia allows. For me, these are the important things and some of the reasons I do science.
      And hey, when you do what you love and get paid to do it, how lucky are you?
