• Question: whats the weirdest thing you have ever done?

    Asked by dreamsandwishes to Hermine, Katy, Laura, Nathalie, Paula on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Nathalie Pettorelli

      Nathalie Pettorelli answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      Hi there,

      I’d say: eating roasted insects in chocolate sweets – very weird taste…

    • Photo: Paula Salgado

      Paula Salgado answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      I’ve done some weird things on stage in the plays I’ve been… like crowing in the middle of my sentences and walking like a crow while playing a lawyer in 17th century Italy… Many weird things like that when you perform on stage…

    • Photo: Katy Mee

      Katy Mee answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Well i can’t really think what the weirdest thing that i’ve ever done is but i once tried to hide from a cowboy behind a big boulder (unsuccessfully) – that was probably the most stupid thing i ever did!!

      I was doing fieldwork on my volcano in Chile and we’d had a storm so i had to go to our second campsite (about 2hrs walk away) to check my tent was still there, so i set off, leaving my field assistant back at our main camp relaxing. Now bearing in mind we’d been there for 6 weeks and hadn’t seen a single person up there, to see a bloke on a horse heading in your direction is quite a scary thing……okay, so maybe i overreaccted by trying to outrun and hide from a man on a horse – especially considering there weren’t that many places to hide so it was quite obvious which rock i was hiding behind. Anyway, after much shouting from him, i finally emerged from behind the rock, hands held aloft like i was about to be arrested! It took me a few minutes of rather awkward Spanish to explain to him that I wasn’t a cattle thief, honest, and was in fact a geology student from England here to study the volcano. He was both rather confused and incredibly amused (at my expense) and i can just picture him telling all his friends in the bar about this crazy ginger-haired English woman who had tried to hide form him……i felt like a right pillock!


    • Photo: Laura Dixon

      Laura Dixon answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Weirdest thing as a scientist or in life in general?? lol
      As a scientist the weirdest thing I did was for part of my PhD – I was studying why chickens kept in certain environments peck and eat the feathers off each other (which is quite painful for the recipient). I needed to watch the birds peck feathers but I didn’t want to use a live bird as the ‘victim’ since it is painful. Some older chickens were being culled at the time (its routine in production-like settings to get rid of the older birds :P) so I took a few dead birds, and posed them in a ‘natural’ chicken sitting postures then put them in the freezer. These frozen birds then would maintain their position for hours and I could let live birds peck at their feathers without worrying about the ‘victim’ 😛 Yes, I know this sounds really bizzare! lol

    • Photo: Hermine Schnetler

      Hermine Schnetler answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      I went down into a gold mile. We went 1 mile under the ground and it was scary and weird.
