• Question: why does our breath stink ?

    Asked by jndottviet to Katy, Laura on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by sintesha.
    • Photo: Katy Mee

      Katy Mee answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      I think you’ll find my breath smells of roses 😉

      Actually this morning my breath smells mostly of TCP – you should try this toothpaste

      Be warned, despite it’s enticing colour, it does not taste like bubble gum….it tastes like paint stripper. Come to think of it, it tastes like something capable of killing all that nasty bacteria in our mouths that makes our breath smell in the first place (which has nothing to do with drinking too much alcohol the night before).

    • Photo: Laura Dixon

      Laura Dixon answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Alot of times its caused by bacteria in our mouths but can also be caused by strong smelling foods.
