• Question: willyour work or research help the world or give in new technology

    Asked by asheydude345 to Paula on 15 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Paula Salgado

      Paula Salgado answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      My current work focus on trying to understand how proteins from a fungus stick to human cells to cause an infection. The idea is that we understand how that happens in lots of detail so we can then start trying to find ways to stop it.

      Once we know a bit more, we are planning to start testing compounds in vitro that might stop the fungus from sticking to our cells and prevent disease. If these prove successful, they could then later be used as a basis to develop a way to prevent these infections which are becoming more and more resistant to treatment, specially in hospitals.

      So, down the line, yes, my work would hopefully lead to something that would help the world – at least in terms of controlling these specific infections! 😉
